profesionální vybavení genetických a cytogenetických pracovišť
SONDY  / MetaSystems / human / XL hematology
Katalogové číslo: D-5071-100-OG
Značení: Zelená Oranžová
Velikost balení: 100 µl
The XL CCND1 probe is designed as a break apart probe. Its orange labeled part hybridizes proximal to CCND1 (BCL1) and the MYEOV gene at 11q13; the green labeled probe hybridizes to the distal region of CCND1.

The t(11;14)(q13;q32) chromosomal translocation is the hallmark of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and is found in approximately 30 % of multiple myeloma (MM) tumors with a 14q32 translocation. Variant translocations can fuse CCND1 also with other genes, such as IGK or IGL.

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